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Sunday, January 18, 2015

MIT Doctor Links Glyphosate to Autism Spike - Dr. Stephanie Seneff

I have been extremely outspoken regarding my views on GMOs. Even recently, I observed that how someone eats factors into whether or not I will consider him partner material. People may think I'm nuts; but I think all those who don't care about this issue are nuts.

What follows below is from a news story about Glyphosate being linked to an autism spike. Not only is this chemical in Roundup and in GMO foods, it is also in vaccines.

As the new Congress kicks off in Washington, one of the biggest agenda items on the table will be how much money and how much power the FDA and Department of Agriculture will have at their disposal. We’ve already seen signs in the new spending bill that indicate lawmakers want to make it EASIER for big companies to HIDE their GMO products from consumers. As we learn from one doctor at MIT, this GMO craze could cost a lot of children their health. Today, we welcome MIT Doctor Stephanie Seneff.

In her recent article she makes a very stark warning that by the year 2025, half of all American children could have autism. That’s an alarming increase over one decade.

She claims it all comes down to a chemical called glyphosate, commonly found in Monsanto’s herbicide, RoundUp. So what happens when a human comes in contact with that chemical?

  1. http://www.anh-usa.org/half-of-all-children-will-be-autistic-by-2025-warns-senior-research-scientist-at-mit/ 
  2. http://www.biofortified.org/2015/01/medical-doctors-weigh-in-on-glyphosate-claims/

1 comment:

Timmy said...

Wow this really hits home for me my friend as my 12 year old son has classic autism, not to be confused with spectrum or aspbergers etc. No person in either my family or my sons mothers family had any form of autism. T

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