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When you fail to follow your dreams, you cheat yourself out of being you.
Be proud of who you are and don't back down.
Be a winner at the game of life!

Friday, February 27, 2015


Apparently choosing to give up cold surgery coffee while taking more than a full load of classes was not reasonable. The cold sugary coffee drinks give me a great energy boost which lasts the entire day. Black coffee has always put me to sleep. Yes, I know, that is totally weird. To complicate matters further, Mountain Dew wires me (Coca Cola does the opposite) and ice tea makes my heart palpitate. Nobody can explain why my body acts the way it does.

So, while I hate to admit defeat, the cold sugary coffee drinks will have to stay--at least until the end of this school period. Grades trump Lent. I am happy to report that I've been doing good on the rest of my sacrifices and keeping up a steady exercise routine.  :)

1 comment:

Ahkenaten Kor said...

I read this a few times and it didn't hit me until now how great this is. You basically have a list of different drinks and you're fully aware of their effects on you. I remember a while back you said you've seen a nutritionist. Have you considered going to a nutritionist to figure out the healthy alternatives to these items? Like what ingredients in Mountain Dew wires you, or the stuff in black coffee that makes you sleepy? And then find those same ingredients in alternatives that can have the same effect without the health risks?

Back when I was doing experiments on myself (MFMA), I would've had an absolute field day with a post like this. Maybe after your school period ends, you can try some alternatives and see what works and what doesn't. Would make for a hell of an experiment...

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