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Thursday, February 25, 2010

I watched the health care hearings today

First I want to say that Barack Obama is extremely well-spoken. Even when saying something I disagree with, he makes it sound good. This is important The whole world is watching.

A man who spoke immediately after Obama (John ?) made great points. I am disappointed in myself that I didn't start taking notes until after he spoke. (sorry)

One speaker said that "under the Republican plan the people who get a break are the ones who are healthy. The people who pay more are sick." He didn't like that scenario but it makes sense to me. While I don't want to sound callous, most people get sick due to their own lifestyle and coping techniques--it makes sense they should pay more than people who take care of themselves.

Later this same speaker said "We need to hold down the cost by bringing everyone into the system." Uh, no. If health care was free for everyone then YES. Health care should already be factored into our taxes--but that's not what will pass. Instead, people will be paying even more than they do now.

About a half hour before the session was supposed to end, Obama said that if we won't want to leave people out, we have to figure out how to pay for it. We could have easily paid for health care with the money he doled out for bailouts. We bailed out NASCAR, rum, numerous banks. What about the American people? There is no money left.

I was disappointed to see Obama openly acting bored at the end while others were giving their final comments.
When any listener begins to use their hands to support their head, it is a signal that boredom may well have set in and they are holding their head up to stop them falling asleep. Often, the degree of the listener's boredom is related to the extent to which the arm and hand are supporting the head.

It usually begins with the chin being supported by the thumb and then by the fist as interest dissipates further. If the head is fully supported by the hands, this is usually the ultimate boredom signal.

At this point they had already ran 15 minutes past the scheduled time. Obama stated that he was going to give everyone who hadn't spoken yet an opportunity before he gives his final comments. While I want to keep listening, it has been a long day.....

The etch-a-sketch example was brilliant. The government needs to completely start over if its going to consider national health care. With my opinion stated, I feel I should point out that I was one of the uncovered Americans. I was not able to qualify for insurance in the US and this factored into my decision to move outside the country. The current system is flawed; yet a flawed system is better than the disastrous alternative on the table now.

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