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When you fail to follow your dreams, you cheat yourself out of being you.
Be proud of who you are and don't back down.
Be a winner at the game of life!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cake For Breakfast

Parents often don't pay enough attention to what they say to their children. They make little comments which shape us forever. Like many children, I liked sugar a lot and would question my parents as to why I wasn't allowed to eat more of it. I clearly remember my parents saying, "You can eat cake for breakfast everyday when you're an adult."

During my adult life, my parents stopped by unannounced on a few occasions when I happened to be eating cake for breakfast. They didn't say anything. One time my dad actually joined me for a yummy slice of chocolate cake. Confirmation!

I'm writing this today as I feel sick from eating a few slices of lemon cake. Not thin slices, but 1/8 of a double-layered cake slices. One slice would be perfect, but people with addictive personalities (like me) have difficulty with moderation. For the most part, I've been very good over the past year at giving up cake. However, this was birthday cake...
It was a fun birthday. Earlier in the week a friend treated me to a massage. Then, on my birthday, my best friend flew out from California to celebrate with my man and I. :)  More people than ever contacted me to wish me a happy birthday. My entire inbox is full with messages and singing videos. Totally awesome.   :)


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