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When you fail to follow your dreams, you cheat yourself out of being you.
Be proud of who you are and don't back down.
Be a winner at the game of life!

Friday, October 16, 2009

sometimes addiction rules

Considering I no longer drink/smoke weed/eat bad and have chosen sexual abstinence, my addiction to Craigslist is sometimes a reasonable outlet for stress relief. Yes I know I don't have spare time with school and all but after posting this I will turn off the computer and go back to life. Lol....

Here is an ad I found which I want to share with whomever reads my blog:

I'm sorry and you're all the man I'll ever want - w4m
Date: 2009-10-15, 5:55PM PDT
Reply to: pers-hvsvw-1423420891@craigslist.org

You have serious mental issues, buddy. When good men behave badly (and pay REAL GOOD attention here) IT IS BECAUSE THEY AREN'T REALLY GOOD MEN AT ALL. They are just fooling themselves and trying to fool everyone else. See, good men don't behave badly. Oh, sure, they mess up stuff now and again like forget gas for the lawn mower three weekends in a row, leave their clothes all over the floor for someone else to pick up. stuff like that. That's a good man behaving badly. What you are talking about transcends the definition of good and badly, kind of skews the pooch, as it were. Get over yourself and fast. Women aren't responsible for your behavior, YOU ARE. We are just responsible for ours, which means we notice yours.

Found at: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/mis/1423420891.html

Then, as if none of that just happened... Good morning! :-)
Time for me to jump in the shower and get ready for yoga class.

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