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When you fail to follow your dreams, you cheat yourself out of being you.
Be proud of who you are and don't back down.
Be a winner at the game of life!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Ethical Slut

Recently I went to Burning Man. It was so much more amazing than I imagined it could be. It can be compared to a Grateful Dead show on steroids--a huge party with unlimited drugs, alcohol, and sex. People are free there to be whomever they want. There are seminars and classes for all types of self-realization and skills. Lots of people in drag, wearing costumes, and completely naked. Totally enlightening.

The classes I attended were primarily adult in nature. Bondage, S&M, polyamory... It was at a class where I first heard of the book "The Ethical Slut". Immediately upon leaving Black Rock City I drove straight to Borders and picked it up. It became a top priority in my life as I read and highlighted with a quickness. How exciting to learn about a different type of lifestyle; one I agree with completely. Monogamy has always been difficult for me but--unlike most people--I have always been honest with my partners when I step outside the relationship. This is the basis of the book--being polyamorous while being honest and ethical. People should be who they are without misleading or deceiving others. This is me.

Random life update:

Back in June I started drinking and smoking again. While I don't like drinking, after I've had 3 or 4 I just keep going. Until I learn what moderation means, I cannot indulge. And I'm realistic enough to know that I may never know what moderation means. :(
I'm willing to bet that I am one of the only people to ever use Burning Man as a jumping off point for sobriety. Haha.. BUT I DID!! The last time I drank was on August 22 and the last time I smoked weed was August 24. Yeah! :)

My ex offered to pay half the moving cost if I want to move back to Georgia. He and I are still talking (and f*cking) and are on good terms. Not sure yet if I'll go. Financially it will be a huge burden to leave Las Vegas. Updating my resume today and applying for "real jobs" locally. Need to decide soon.

Next week I go visit my mother. Her health isn't good. I recently got to spend 5 wonderful days with my grandmother. It's important for me to see those people who may not have much longer in this world. No regrets.

Talking to a long lost friend. A few years ago my sister and boyfriend both died within 6 months of each other. Why is it that people lash out on those whom we value the most? Both of us were at fault to some degree but he saw a side of me that I am truly ashamed of. It's taken a few years for me to finally realize how much of it was me. Luckily, he understands and has accepted my apology. Making amends is important. Karma is important.

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