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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

To remove Candida

Treatment Protocol to remove the Candida

(1) An Anti-candida diet - Cut out all of the following: -

sugar, all types: brown, white, syrup, molasses, honey, fructose, lactose, maltose, dextrose etc. Check all tins and packets,
yeast products: bread, pizza, buns, breadcrumbs, marmite, Oxo, Bovril, Bisto, gravy mix etc. flavoured foods i.e. crisps and foods containing citric acid.
Refined grains, white flour products, cakes, biscuit, pasta, cornflour, cereals etc. all prepared breakfast cereals except Shredded Wheat and purpose made options like Kashi
cured and smoked products: bacon, meats, kippers etc.
fermented products, vinegar, pickles, chutney, soya sauce, alcohol
tea, coffee, ovaltine, chocolate, etc and all malted products
cows milk, cheese cream except yoghurt and cottage cheese
fruit, fresh, juice or dried (some fresh fruit can be added after three weeks under the direction of your therapist)
peanuts and peanut products
Enjoy the following foods:-
Onions and garlic,
Fresh vegetables and their juices (beware of carrot juice it contains a lot of sugar) Rainbow salads are good,
Rice cakes, oat cakes (unmalted) ,Ryvita, sesame and original only,
soya milks, butter, cottage cheese and yoghurt.
herbs, mild spices,
freshly cracked nuts, seeds
water, fruit and herb teas
cold pressed oils
brown rice and flours, use for cakes and pastry etc.
oats (porridge makes an excellent breakfast – make with water and serve with nuts, seeds and yoghurt)
meats, unprocessed preferably organic or free-range
fish preferably unprocessed, oily fish is best
eggs, lentils, peas and beans

(2) To kill the yeast:-
Caprylic acid or mycropryl (natural remedy from coconuts - kills candida, available from our main site www.junglesale.com)

Nystatin - anti fungal drug (available on prescription)
Garlic treatment - eat a fresh clove raw, can be washed down with milk, water or olive oil - three times a day with or after food
Biotin (inhibits candida)

To replace important nutrients
Take a good multi vitamin and mineral, vitamin C and any other nutrients prescribed by your therapist. At this stage chromium should help to control blood sugar.

To re-colonise the gut
Take probiotics - Lactobacillus acidophillus, bifidus
FOS -fructo oligo saccherides
Eat natural yogurt daily

To treat the genito-urinary tract
Douching with either:
fresh aloe vera juice
propolis tincture
garlic water (crush a clove in water - strain)
insert : yoghurt
aloe vera jelly

To repair the Intestine
Avoid foods that you may be sensitive to. Cow’s milk and milk products and wheat are the most likely here. To reduce the strain on the immune system and to allow the maximum absorption of the nutrients you are advised to combine your foods and to rotate them. A simple explanation of food combining is not to eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same meal because they are digested in different acidic environments. A rotation diet works on the principle that it takes five days for traces of a food to be removed from the body. Eating a food type only every five days means that:

* the immune system has a chance to recover by not being subjected to the same allergens everyday.
* when food is re-introduced after five days an adverse re-action will indicate that your body is intolerant to that substance.
* Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, organic if possible to provide essential nutrients and antioxidants to repair the immune system and fibre to help repair the digestive system.

Source: http://www.candidadiet.com/treatment/treatment_diet.shtml

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